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Jaypee Klassic Arcade Shop Resale | JP klassic

Jaypee Klassic Rd, Sector 134, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201304, India


Jaypee Greens Klassic Arcade Shop Resale

Jaypee Greens klassic is a part of jaypee Wishtown which is spread over a 1162 acres of land area and has the many residential & commercial projects in this complete area. Jaypee Greens Klassic is a part of Wishtown project which is located in sector 134 Noida & spread over a more than 20 acres of land area. Jaypee Greens has launched the retail shops in the Jaypee Klassic Arcade in sector 134 Noida. JP Klassic Arcade shops is ready to move in shops where the residents of the society can get the benefit of the society shops in Jaypee Klassic. Jaypee Klassic Arcade Shops is available in resale where you can buy the best location shop.

Jaypee Klassic Arcade shops price is the best in the location. Here you may get the good appreciation of the shops within 2-3 years. There is a very high demand of the Retail Shops in Noida for last few years. resale shops in jp klassic is the best option to buy. you may also get the good rental value by investing in klassic arcade shops noida. klassic arcade shops can be rented out to a doctor clinic. If you wants to invest in any Commercial Property in Noida then j p Klassic Arcade Shops Resale in the best option to buy.  we also recommend to our client to invest in these shops for the batter return in future.

JP klassic arcade shops is located at a very prime location in the corner of jaypee klassic society. these are the best society shops in noida which has the direct entry from the main road of village. you may also open any food outlet in these shops or you can also open any Doctor’s clinic where you may get the good response from the society crowd.

  • City: Noida, Noida Expressway
  • State/county: Noida, Noida Expressway
  • Neighborhood: Jaypee Hospital, Near Noida Expressway
  • Country: India


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